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Are You Concerned About Your Fillings Not Matching the Color of Your Teeth?

When patients get fillings, a common question we get is, will the new material match the color of my teeth? The short answer is: absolutely. The long answer is that our best Woburn and Winchester dentist uses the best technology to create your perfect smile.

Here at Divine Smiles in Woburn and Winchester, your happiness is our goal. That’s why we constantly strive to make our procedures and treatments better. When you come in for your fillings, you won’t even notice a difference in your smile other than the pain relief.

Dentist shows a patient matching shades for her fillings

White Fillings Over Metal Fillings

In the past, you may have received metal fillings to fill the holes left by cavities. When you visit us in Woburn and Winchester, we strive to give you the most aesthetically-pleasing look. Hence, we use white fillings instead of metal fillings.

Made of a composite resin material, dentists can match white fillings to your exact tooth color. After application, these fillings are undetectable by the average person.  The same matching is done with any restoration or even with dentures.  Only your doctor will know if you had one cavity or six.

We always use the newest and best technology in the dental world to make our patients as comfortable and happy as possible. However, when a procedure proves successful over the years, we can’t turn it down. White fillings have actually been around for decades, making them a reliable, strong, and durable choice.

Replacing Your Metal Fillings

White fillings are more beneficial for our patients than metal fillings for more than cosmetic reasons. First, many patients don’t want bright metal pieces to show when they smile or eat. With white fillings, you don’t have to worry about people spotting your filled cavities.

Additionally, metal fillings require more removal and replacement of your natural tooth structure. This could lead to problems down the line, especially since the metal expands and retracts at different temperatures.

Still, other patients want removal because of the harmful mercury in metal fillings. If you want to remove the mercury content from your smile, come talk to us about your options.

Visit Dr. Clancy to replace your old metal fillings with more attractive, functional white fillings. As a dentist who has dedicated his entire career to helping patients achieve the best oral health and most attractive smiles possible, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. With proper treatment, your fillings will look natural, blending right into your beautiful smile.

Your Dentist in Woburn and Winchester

Come visit us at Divine Smiles to fill your cavities or replace your metal fillings. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Clancy online or call us at (781) 396-8558.

By Ryan M. Clancy, DMD, MAGD, LVIF, FPFA, FIAPA | February 12th, 2020 | Cosmetic Dentistry

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Dr. Ryan Clancy and every member of our team are here to help guide you to your healthiest, most confident smile. Take the first step by scheduling a full assessment of your concerns, and begin designing your ideal smile and personalized treatment plan.

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